Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini provides key information on Helicobacter pylori pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based treatment strategies to enhance patient outcomes
ACC Patient safety award
ACC Patient safety award
Thursday 30 January 2020, 03:27 PM

Safety in Practice is the only team in New Zealand focusing entirely on patient safety in the community; The Health Navigator website uses plain language and evidence-based information to improve the public's understanding of health matters
Safety in Practice Team - Auckland and Waitemata DHBs
‘Every Patient, Every time’- making you safer when you visit the GP/Pharmacy
Safety in Pract, Safety in Practice Team - Auckland and Waitematā DHBs, Sarah Hartnall, Angela Lambie, Diana Phone, Lisa Eskildsen, Sreeja Nair, Michael Hammond. Front row: Sue French and Harshna Mistry
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