Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini provides key information on Helicobacter pylori pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based treatment strategies to enhance patient outcomes
Editorial stuff
Free for subscribers. There are two news archives for Pharmacy Today. One archive is held by the Knowledge Basket, a company run out of Ohope. It has text format print archives running from January 1996 until the present. These are searchable using keywords and date.
Starting 1 August this year the Knowledge Basket took possession of the archives from our former website. This is also a text format archive. For more recent material you can search using the Search function at the top right hand of the screen.
Why do I see some stories more than once?
The content of every print issue from 1 August 2017 is stored on this website in the Print Archive? Once a story has appeared in print we will most likely also publish it in the News stream online. As a result when you do Search you may find the same story returned as +Print Archive and +News
Complaints and mistakes
It is the policy of Pharmacy Today to correct significant editorial errors and handle editorial complaints as soon as possible. Corrections and clarifications of editorial content should be sent to: PO Box 31905, Milford, Auckland 0741. Or
If you would like to contribute a Viewpoint or a Clinical Article we are happy to take a look. You can email or phone the editor or the clinical editor depending on the type of article you wish to submit. Contact details are available here.
We welcome your letters and will endeavour to publish them in the newspaper and online. Please keep them to under 500 words. We will want to know who you are but can be persuaded to publish letters anonymously should the situation warrant it.
Letters for publication should be sent to this address: PO Box 31905, Milford, Auckland 0741. Or
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Only paying subscribers are able to comment on articles appearing on the website and for this reason we allow comments to be posted without active moderation. If you have any concerns about comments on the website, please get in touch with the editor You can read our commenting policy here.
News tips
We only know as much as people tell us so please send us your news tips
If you have a photo you would like to share with your colleagues please feel free to send it through. For print publication purposes, photos need to be high resolution so over 200kb is good