Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini provides key information on Helicobacter pylori pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based treatment strategies to enhance patient outcomes
Three reasons to learn te reo Māori
Three reasons to learn te reo Māori

Welcome to Pharmacy Today's Summer Hiatus - our seasonal content schedule while Pharmacy Today staff take their summer break. We will resume normal transmission on 13 January 2025. In the meantime, we wish all our subscribers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
This article was first published online on 7 February 2024.
Community pharmacist Claire Salter took part in a full-immersion Māori language course run at the University of Waikato’s Tauranga campus in 2022. She discusses her reasons for learning te reo as a Pākehā. From April, having a basic understanding of te reo Māori will be a requirement for all pharmacists under the Pharmacy Council’s competency standards
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Māori Language Petition. See:
Healthify Te Puna Waiora. Cultural safety & cultural competence for healthcare providers. See:
Curtis E, Jones R, Tipene-Leach D, et al. Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: a literature review and recommended definition. Int J Equity Health 2019;18:174.
Health Navigator/Health Literacy NZ. Self-management support course: Cultural safety modules 1 and 2 handout. See: