Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini provides key information on Helicobacter pylori pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based treatment strategies to enhance patient outcomes
Juggling act to fulfil parental and phararmacist duties
Wednesday 12 March 2025, 03:00 AM

IPANZ co-president Jie Choong with her youngest child Ellie Yam on her lap, with husband Tim Yam, and older daughter Zoe Yam [Image - Supplied]
Whether it’s frantically calling around for a locum while your wife is giving birth, delivering meds at midnight with your children asleep in the back of the car, or bringing your nanny to work so you can keep your business afloat while breastfeeding – how are parents who are active pharmacists, doing? And what could the sector do better to support them? Jody Hopkinson reports
Essentials, Pharmacists who are also parents report the difficulties they can face in coping with the dual roles.
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