Outreach vaccinators Georgina Tucker and Chris Leung spend a lot of their days vaccinating Auckland babies and toddlers in their homes as part of the Rapid Response Home Visiting Team for the Uri Ririki- Child Health Connection Centre. They tell Paulette Crowley why their job is such a privilege
As the remaining votes from the general election are counted, the future of prescription fees is uncertain but pharmacy sector groups are clinging on to hope that the new Government will not reintroduce them. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
With smoking rates declining, some pharmacies are seeing individual patients buying up large quantities of the smoking cessation product Habitrol. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
The number of people taking funded dulaglutide (Trulicity) has doubled in New Zealand over the past two years and the diabetes medicine is in short supply again, along with its alternative, Victoza (liraglutide). Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
Antimicrobial resistance has been identified as one of the top-10 threats to human health by WHO, and a small group of hospital pharmacists are leading the charge in New Zealand to combat the growing problem.
ALLIED HEALTH WORKERS including hospital pharmacists, represented by the New Zealand Public Service Association and the Association of Professional and Executive Employees (APEX) have voted overwhelmingly to accept the pay equity deal offered by Te Whatu Ora.
Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini provides key information on Helicobacter pylori pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based treatment strategies to enhance patient outcomes