Researchers in the United States have unveiled the structure of the “spike protein” of 2019-nCoV – the virus behind the current coronavirus disease outbreak
Edward Parker, a research fellow in systems biology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine explains a mapping tool providing a timeline of the coronavirus
An Auckland Pharmacy owner close to the naval base were evacuees from China are currently being quarantined has seen face masks flying off the shelves.
Mounting fears surrounding the coronavirus outbreak has caused a surge in demand for face masks, with many pharmacies and suppliers running out of stock.
The measles epidemic’s rapid spread and staying power show the need for more creative approaches to filling gaps in immunity, immunisation expert Nikki Turner says
Pharmacists will be able to give measles, mumps and rubella vaccines from early December in areas at the centre of the measles outbreak, but those in other regions will wait longer
Pharmacists will be able to give measles, mumps and rubella vaccines from early December in areas at the centre of the measles outbreak, but those in other regions will wait longer
Fungi love warm, moist conditions, so body areas that are sweaty in summer provide perfect habitats for these microorganisms to thrive. Christchurch pharmacist Sarah Mooney overviews some common fungal infections seen in the pharmacy