Jonathan Chilton-Towle speaks to Moore Markhams Auckland director Jonathan Roberts about the 2021 results of his firm’s annual pharmacy benchmarking survey
Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand president Rhiannon Braund says PSNZ will keep the pharmacist profession informed as details are worked out of the new government plan to use pharmacies for rapid COVID testing from December 15
Community pharmacy staff were taken aback this morning by the announcement that from 15 December they will be providing rapid COVID-19 testing to the public
Auckland pharmacy academic Amy Chan, Ngā Kaitiaki o te Puna Rongoā president Mariana Hudson and Auckland pharmacist Natalia Nu'u have been appointed to the Pharmacy Council
The pharmacy sector can expect to see this month, the first concrete examples of how pharmacy will fit in to the locality networks promised as part of the country’s health-sector reforms
The most surprising aspect of the Ministry of Health’s expansion of drugs for pharmacist prescribers is that it took nine years to happen, says a leader in the field