New Zealanders gathered around their televisions last night with a growing sense of déjà vu, as prime minister Jacinda Ardern and director-general of health Ashley Bloomfield held a press conference following the confirmation of three COVID-19 community cases in Auckland
Former Pharmaceutical Society president Ian McMichael has moved his award-winning Pharmacy 547 in central Hamilton and merged its staff and services with nearby Anglesea Pharmacy
The Pharmacy Guild will ask DHBs to boost funding to cover the expected rise in costs created for pharmacy owners by the Government’s proposed expansion of sick leave entitlements.
Rhiannon Braund has become president of the Pharmaceutical Society at an especially turbulent time. Jonathan Chilton-Towle speaks to her about the goals she will strive for during her presidency
The Ministry of Health has revealed only 4150 of 350,000 MMR vaccines bought last year for a targeted programme have been administered since July 2020, and only 45 by pharmacist vaccinators
Rhiannon Braund has become president of the Pharmaceutical Society at an especially turbulent time. Jonathan Chilton-Towle speaks to her about the goals she will strive for during her presidency