Medicinal cannabis should be available through pharmacies before the end of this year, says Sally King who heads the body representing New Zealand’s fledgling medicinal cannabis industry
The Medicines Classification Committee will tomorrow consider a proposal to reclassify the Human Papillomavirus vaccine so pharmacist vaccinators can offer it without a prescription
The Health and Disability System Review panel’s vision for community-based services includes more integration, a funding ringfence and fewer DHBs. Jonathan Chilton-Towle asks what, if anything, it means for the pharmacy sector
The Department of Corrections and Clendon Pharmacy have been found to have breached a prisoner’s rights following an ongoing medication management failure that led to him being hospitalised four times
The Pharmacy Council is planning big changes to pharmacists’ recertification from 1 April next year. The current points-based competency assessment system is to be replaced with an entirely new “trust and assurance” model. Jonathan Chilton-Towle gauges pharmacists’ reactions to the plan
The Pharmacy Council is planning big changes to pharmacists’ recertification from 1 April next year. The current points-based competency assessment system is to be replaced with an entirely new “trust and assurance” model. Jonathan Chilton-Towle gauges pharmacists’ reactions to the plan