Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora has changed its tune on a proposal that would remove harm reduction from the remit of pharmacies offering needle exchange services
The Pharmacy Guild is strongly opposed to a redesign of the needle exchange programme that will take wraparound harm reduction services out of the hands of pharmacies from July onwards
There are concerns some people are going around pharmacies getting large quantities of nicotine replacement products and smuggling them into prisons. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
There are concerns some people are going around pharmacies getting large quantities of nicotine replacement products and smuggling them into prisons. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
Mental health pharmacist Keith Crump is retiring after 50 years of work in the field. He talks to Natasha Jojoa Burling about trying to make a difference
In a bid to combat high levels of methamphetamine addiction, a marae and pharmaceutical company in Tairāwhiti are launching research into therapeutic use of native mushrooms. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
With smoking rates declining, some pharmacies are seeing individual patients buying up large quantities of the smoking cessation product Habitrol. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
With smoking rates declining, some pharmacies are seeing individual patients buying up large quantities of the smoking cessation product Habitrol. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports