Pharmacy owner Richard Brown was born and raised in Gore, Southland. But after he completed his training at Otago University, he took off to the top of the North Island and never looked back.
Jacqui Berry, wife of seasoned pharmacy owner Phil Berry, was shocked to hear her husband was set to open another pharmacy – especially after he had sold most of his other pharmacies and promised he wouldn’t open another pharmacy again.
Sweating helps the body regulate its temperature. When we get too hot or exercise, sweat evaporates from the skin and has a cooling effect. However, about 1–3 per cent of the population suffer from primary hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating.
A group of pharmacy owners is seeking a judicial review of the Hutt Valley and Tairāwhiti DHBs’ decisions to grant pharmacy contracts to Countdown Pharmacies in Wainuiomata and Gisborne
Hit by a “perfect storm” of demands as Omicron swept through the country, Australian pharmacists have advice for their Kiwi counterparts as Omicron settles in New Zealand
Our summer hiatus has come to an end and the Pharmacy Today Kaitiaki Rongoā o te Wā team is rearing and ready to go (well, after a couple cups of coffee), for the year that will be 2022