As New Zealanders’ COVID-19 concerns climbed and with the economic impact hitting businesses, dollars were rapidly accumulating in the tills of pharmacies last month as customer numbers soared.
We’ve all heard about panic buying at the supermarkets in response to the COVID-19 pandemic but pharmacies are now struggling to keep popular medicines in stock thanks to widespread medicines stockpiling.
The Pharmacy Guild has announced a partnership with Pharmacy Sleep Services which offers participating pharmacies an in-pharmacy programme for the testing, diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea.
Following the unprecedented onslaught of patients panic-buying, pharmacists across the country are feeling the after-effects of a ‘rollercoaster’ month
Director-general of health Ashley Bloomfield has waived the requirement of a prescriber’s signature for electronic prescriptions to enable remote prescribing during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis
The Ministry of Health and the Immunisation Advisory Centre have moved to allay vaccinators’ fears over lack of protective equipment when administering vaccine
New Zealand pharmacists, you’re not alone.Pharmacists in many parts of the world are feeling overwhelmed, but that has not put the brakes on their imaginations when it comes to maintaining social distancing