A Hawke’s Bay pharmacy inviting families of asthmatic Māori and Pasifika children to take part in an “warrant of fitness” check led to 80 per cent of children improving their asthma control
A collaborative effort to improve gout management in Māori and Pacific patients has seen a Kapiti Coast pharmacy chosen as a finalist in the Health Quality and Safety Commission’s Whakakotahi Challenge
National Hauora Coalition chief executive Simon Royal believes better health outcomes for Māori rely on greater levels of Māori leadership and control of policy and delivery of services
Māori and Pasifika health advisory group members often find their health knowledge and expertise are denied and distrusted, researcher Heather Came says
It is Māori Language Week across the country this week. The theme this year is “Kia kaha te reo Māori”, meaning “Let’s make the Māori language strong”.
Midland Community Pharmacy Group has created an online training programme to give pharmacists the cultural competency skills they need to help Māori patients better manage their gout