The pharmacy sector has less than three weeks to have a say on the draft Therapeutic Products Bill, which has the potential to change the way pharmacies are licensed and operated
The Ministry of Health has taken the unusual step of releasing a draft of the Therapeutic Products Bill to the public. Andi Shirtcliffe, chief advisor pharmacy at the ministry, explains why
The health sector has been stunned and saddened by the sudden death of Stewart Jessamine, a much-loved and respected former Ministry of Health official
Former Green Cross Health pharmacy boss Grant Bai, who now works for the company as a consultant on the Therapeutic Products Bill, warns against focusing solely on the bug bear of pharmacy ownership. He provides points to consider when submitting feedback on the bill
The Northland DHB will not be entering into any new pharmacy contracts until it has brought in a community pharmacy strategy to take control of pharmacy services offered in the region
Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians at Northern DHB are the latest group of hospital pharmacy staff to threaten industrial action over delayed employment contract negotiations