Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora is considering how it can continue funding comprehensive primary care teams, with health minister Simeon Brown saying practices can use their recent capitation funding boost to keep the teams going after allocated funding expires in June
Pharmacy and the broader health sector are reacting to the news that prime minister Christopher Luxon has replaced health minister Shane Reti after just 15 months in the role, as Jody Hopkinson reports
Pharmacy and the broader health sector is today reacting to the news that prime minister Christopher Luxon has stood down health minister Shane Reti after just 15 months in the role. Mr Luxon is replacing Dr Reti with former transport minister Simeon Brown.
Just $7.9 million had been spent, by the time of a recent update from Te Whatu Ora, of the $102 million earmarked over three years for Comprehensive Primary Care Teams
The vital role pharmacy plays in the healthcare response during emergency situations is unrecognised in reports from Te Whatu Ora. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
The vital role pharmacy plays in the healthcare response during emergency situations is unrecognised in reports from Te Whatu Ora. Natasha Jojoa Burling reports
Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand has been advised by its northern branch to fund pharmacies so they can take a bigger role in reducing pressure on the heath system during winter
Academic pharmacist Nataly Martini provides key information on Helicobacter pylori pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based treatment strategies to enhance patient outcomes