The Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand has spent its time and energy on supporting its members and working with decision-makers, rather than talking to the media, says president Rhiannon Braund
A few pharmacies have had to close temporarily and many staff are feeling slammed as a result of COVID-related absences, according to a Pharmacy Today survey. Paulette Crowley reports
Allied health workers including 400 hospital pharmacy staff say they are no closer to settling their pay claim with the DHBs, nearly a month after an Employment Court ruling prevented them from striking
Ten thousand PSA allied, public health, scientific and technical workers are still waiting for an acceptable offer from DHBs to settle their collective agreement negotiations
The seaside village of Oneroa on Waiheke Island is busy on yet another hot sunny day. As boats bob in Oneroa Bay, outside café tables are full of day trippers, and getting a park isn’t easy
Jordan Macdonald, a community pharmacist in Dunedin and executive member of NgāKaitiaki o te PunaRongoā (MPA), reflects on the demands of COVID-19, with help from other members of the organisation