Pharmacists have taken a swipe at the new unannounced pharmacy auditing system, with one saying auditors had been “intimidating and rude” when they visited his business.
An Auckland physician has cleared the air on comments he made surrounding the potential for pharmacists to sell end-of-life medication directly to the public.
The New Year comes with a new list of awe-inspiring New Zealanders being recognised for going above and beyond to make a difference in their communities.
It’s normally a battle between art versus science, but two men have bucked that theory to create an abstract mural of the sun, sea, and the essence of the East Coast, at a Gisborne pharmacy.
Although medicine has been around for centuries, modern technology hasn’t, but when combined, they make a powerful concoction in improving people’s health and wellbeing.
The Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal has fined and suspended an Auckland pharmacist for selling excessive quantities of addictive drugs to customers without a prescription.
Medicines Therapy Assessments are proving a hit with Canterbury patients wanting to simplify their medication regimens, and more pharmacists are becoming qualified to conduct them.