Buddha once said: "When your mouth is open, you're not learning anything." Though he's not the first person you would think of for a pharmacy-related quote, it's a concept that has paid off for Steve and Mary Roberts, who have adopted it wholeheartedly.
It was a night spent celebrating success, service and white coat fashion at the first Green Cross Health University of Otago Pharmacy Awards held on 11 August.
Two pharmacy students who participated in a pilot interprofessional learning project, together with student physiotherapists, are enthusiastic about their experience.
A group of final-year Otago pharmacy students have launched a campaign to raise awareness about prescription subsidies, and it's proving to be a success.
When pharmacy technician Sandra Edmondson decided she wanted to "get out of her comfort zone", she didn't picture herself working on a remote island in the Pacific, in a pharmacy that doubles as a clinic and a bloods' lab.