Nappy rash on a baby’s bottom is usually mild and should not cause too much concern, but occasionally it can lead to severe pain and infection. Jonathan Chilton-Towle speaks to pharmacy owner HeeSeung Lee about what pharmacy staff can do to help parents deal with this problem
After years of talking to patients with long-term conditions about their medications, Christchurch pharmacist Katrina Azer critiques existing services and urges a new approach for the good of patients and health-sector budgets
Healthcare Handbook technical editor Carmen Fookes provides an overview of endometriosis, including the lifestyle advice, supplements and pain-relieving medications you can offer
Consultant cardiologist Chris Ellis discusses the recent funding of rosuvastatin, focusing on its use for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
Dementia is an incredibly destructive disease that puts a considerable strain on those who develop it, their friends and whānau, and the healthcare system. Here, Professor Ngaire Kerse reviews the 12 modifiable risk factors identified for dementia
Improving fitness and strength may not require a gym membership or even hard work, writes Auckland University of Technology professor of strength and conditioning John Cronin in The Conversation